Red, sensitive skin?
Read on if you are unsure whether skincare is worth the investment:
Fed up of buying the latest advertised skincare product that’s going to make the years melt away?
Do you get confused about all the ingredients and what they mean?
Think that if you spend £100 on a tube of wonder cream it’s going to work? Right?
Once you used the product for 6 weeks not much changed and you were left bitterly disappointed?
Sound familiar?
Well let me tell you a secret, I was like you once. Even though I have masses of dermatology knowledge and treating skin disease, I didn’t know very much about skincare products. Now I’ve researched the science behind the trumpeted ingredients I know what will make a difference to your skin issues, and what is a waste of money and time.
Yes, there is some merit in you get what you pay for, but not always. I have stocked the most expensive skincare ranges from Beverley Hills, but these were often eye wateringly expensive. There are newer medically active regimes out there but they are only available in clinics. They aren’t available online as you need an assessment, specific products and guidance on how to use them.
I often advise ‘jump starting’ your skin transformation with specific in-clinic resurfacing procedure (medical peel). There are clever no-peel peels that suit those who want results now with no down time.
I’ve changed my skincare routine to medically active home care, interspersed with in-clinic resurfacing once a month. I have really improved my skin health and sensitivity. It’s amazing if the canvas of your skin looks great, you can look healthy and rested and it can knock years off your face!
I have helped patients with acne, rosacea, pigmentation issues, sensitive skin, oily skin, open pores, dull and lack lustre skin with in-clinic procedures and homecare products. I’m delighted that some have transformed their skin in lockdown with skincare alone.
I’ve saved myself a fortune from spending on department store ‘miracle creams’ by investing in a simple easy to follow medical grade skincare regime. I know I can do the same for you.
If you want a bespoke skincare protocol to improve your skin concerns. Go to my contact me page to book in for a medical grade bespoke resurfacing treatment and good advice on what ingredients will help your skin.
What are you waiting for?