Would you like some treatments for tired, sunken or dark eyes?

10/07/22Would you like some treatments for tired, sunken or dark eyes?

Our eyes and lips are the features of our face most people focus on when they look at and communicate with us. However, since face masks have become the norm, the eyes are pretty much the only part of our face that people see. The swap to video conferencing means we have spent more time studying ourselves on screen and my patients have often reported feeling unhappy with the face they see looking back at them. Eyes can often display fatigue or indeed illness even when none are suffered, resulting in worried friends enquiring if you are feeling OK. This is why aesthetic eye concerns are a large proportion of why my patients ask for help.

The 3 most common problems my patients are bothered by are:


Many of the concerns listed above are the result of lots of changes to the face with ageing. Widening of the bony eye socket, lost volume in the deep fat pads, hypercontractile eye muscles and lost elasticity of the skin will all contribute, so it doesn’t make sense that one treatment modality in one session will combat what has happened over the years. One needs to assess what specifically is impacting the appearance and what can be done to help. Over the years I have honed my peri-orbital rejuvenation skills and this is why so many of my patients are delighted with the results achieved. Let me expand a little more on what I do in my clinic. 


My approach to dealing with your concerns:

You will get a detailed and bespoke medical assessment of your aesthetic concerns where you tell me what bothers you, I ascertain the cause of this problem, and create a treatment plan that will achieve the best results. This may also involve discussing options I do not offer in clinic like eye surgery if I think this will better suit your aesthetic aspirations. I shall lay out my approach to the most common under-eye concerns below: 


1)    Loose skin in the under eyes creating lines, wrinkles and hooded eyes:



2)    Sunken and dark appearance under the eyes:

 Due to deposition of melanin pigment

 Due to loss of volume

 Due to having fillers in tear trough before


3)    Bags under the eyes


In summary, if you have aesthetic concerns around the eyes and want to hear about some of your non-surgical options, get an expert assessment and bear in mind you may need a few treatment modalities over time to achieve the results you want.


If you’d like to know if it’s right for you, book in for a consultation with me, Dr Maeve Kenningham, at my relaxed boutique clinic in the North Wales countryside, half way between Chester and Wrexham. Having any aesthetic injectable intervention can be daunting. Take your time and do your research to find the best person for you.


Here’s the booking link



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